Call us:

  • Intro
  • Personal Details
  • Scheme Enrollment
  • Beneficiary Details
  • Preview Report

Hi, Welcome

My name is Afrakomah

What would you like to do?

Sign-Up to our Personal Pension Scheme(s) or Continue from where you left off with your previous sign-up?

Let Us Identify You

Are you a member of any scheme administered by Axis?
Please provide member number:
Personal Details

Your Profile Picture
Scheme Enrollment

How much money are you aiming to accumulate for retirement? (optional)
How do you want your contributions allocated for savings and retirement in percentages (%)?
How do you want to run your investment accounts ?
Select your prefered investment package
The Axis Pension Plan is a long-term investment designed to help workers to save toward retirement. I declare that I have read and understood the terms of the scheme as per the member's broachure. I also understand that if I withdraw my benefits before the intended date, i will pay applicable early withdrawal penalty to the Scheme. I accept to be bound the present terms and conditions and as may be amended from time to time.
Axis pays benefits mainly via bank transfer. Please provide your preferred benefit payment details and how you want to be funding your account.
Do you want benefits paid to you via bank account?
Annual increament margin ...
Beneficiary Details and Authorization

In the event of death, entitlement will be paid to person(s) nominated as beneficiary(ies)
Beneficiary Allocation
Click on the Add Beneficiary button when you are done filling this section to build a list of your beneficiaries. You can add as many beneficiaries as you please.

* Please Note! Total beneficiary percentage allocations must sum up to 100%.

Beneficiary Details
NameRelationshipMobile #Email% Allocation

I wish to authorise the Trustees to pay any lump sum benefit to the beneficiaries listed above. I understand that this instruction is an expression of wish and not a binding instruction on the Trustees. I may change my wish at any time by notifying the Trustees.
Select image to upload here and click on the Capture Signature button when done :
Clear Signature
Sign your signature in the pad below and click on the Capture Signature button when done:
Clear Signature
Signature Preview
I accept the indemnity detailed here 
Finally ...
Tell us how you got to know about this product

Provide name of Axis' representative you have spoken with if any

You can also visit our website for more information about us and/or our products and services
or download our mobile app form

or interact with me Afrakomah (+233261860000) on WhatsApp or Telegram